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How Much do Solar Panels Cost in the Rochester area?

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What Do Solar Panels Cost in the Rochester area?

So how much does going solar cost in Rochester? We created the Home Solar Cost Index to give you some visibility into the actual prices that homeowners are paying to go solar. We’ve also compiled the costs to go solar for all of New York state here.


Average Price of Solar Installations, AFTER Rebates and Tax Incentives

The average cost of installing solar in the first half of 2016 for the Rochester Area area homeowners once tax incentives and rebates are applied.


Average Price of Solar Installations, BEFORE Rebates and Tax Incentives

The average full price homeowners in the Rochester metro area would have paid WITHOUT rebates and tax incentives for their solar panels in the first six months of 2016.


Cost Savings on Solar Installations Due to Rebates and Tax Incentives

Rochester area homeowners can save almost HALF the full cost of home solar installations using Federal and State rebates and tax incentives.

Cost and Size of Average Solar Panel Installations in the Rochester Area

We want to empower homeowners to make the best decision possible when it comes to deciding if they should go solar, so we’ve pulled together data on actual homeowner solar costs in the Rochester area.

8.78 KW

Average Size of Home Solar Installations

Rochester area homeowners have been installing larger and larger solar systems, with the average size of systems installed in first half of 2016 being roughly 8.78 KWs.

$ 1,730 / KW

Average Price Per KW Paid AFTER Incentive and Rebates

The per KW price that Rochester area homeowners have paid for solar installations AFTER all tax incentives and rebates have been factored in, in the first six months of 2016.

$3,459 / KW

Average Price Paid Per KW BEFORE Incentives and Rebates

The price per KW BEFORE tax incentives and rebates for solar installations in the Rochester metro area in the first six months of 2016.

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More Resources on Solar Costs in NY

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