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Although the Albany metro area is home to high electricity prices, it also offers great solar incentive programs. This makes solar in the Capital region an excellent option for many homeowners in the area.

What Do Solar Panels Cost in the Albany Metro Area?

Researching solar can be confusing for many homeowners. It can be difficult to find reliable pricing for installing solar panels and what it will actually cost. There are many factors to consider: how much power you use, the sunlight your roof receives, what incentives you qualify for. The most reliable way to determine the cost of going solar in your area is to look at actual prices homeowners have paid to go solar in the Albany area. We’ve put that information together for you to compare and consider.

Check out how much it costs to go solar for the entire New York state here.


Average Price of Solar Installations, AFTER Rebates and Tax Incentives

The average cost of installing solar in the first half of 2016 for Albany area homeowners once tax incentives and rebates are applied.


Average Price of Solar Installations, BEFORE Rebates and Tax Incentives

The average full price homeowners in the Albany metro area would have paid WITHOUT rebates and tax incentives for their solar panels in the first six months of 2016.


Cost Savings on Solar Installations Due to Rebates and Tax Incentives

Albany area homeowners can save almost HALF the full cost of home solar installations using Federal and State rebates and tax incentives.

Albany Metro Area Average Sizes and Costs of Solar Installations

This graph shows the actual average cost per KW (kilowatt) for Albany homeowners who installed solar.

Our goal here at Solar to the People is to empower homeowners to make the best decision about solar installation and their options, we’ve put together clear data on prices real homeowners in the Albany area have paid for solar.

For a decision as financially important as choosing solar power, homeowners should have reliable, unbiased information to help them decide if solar is the right fit for their budget, home, and lifestyle. We’ve compiled data on how much actual homeowners have paid to go solar in the region specifically for homeowners in the Albany area to evaluate whether or not solar is right for them.

7.99 KW

Average Size of Home Solar Installations

Albany area homeowners have been installing larger and larger solar systems, with the average size of systems installed in first half of 2016 being roughly 7.99 KWs.


Average Price Per KW Paid AFTER Incentives and Rebates

The per KW price that Albany area homeowners have paid for solar installations AFTER all tax incentives and rebates have been factored in, in the first six months of 2016.


Average Price Paid Per KW BEFORE Incentives and Rebates

The price per KW BEFORE tax incentives and rebates for solar installations in the Albany metro area in the first six months of 2016.

More info on solar in Albany area

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